Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Welcome to GT World!

GT World is an on-line support community for gifted and talented individuals and those who support and nurture them.

GT World offers electronic facilities comprised of this web site and our family of mailing lists.


At GT World, we strive to provide a warm, comfortable, yet challenging environment in which to explore intellectual giftedness and the issues which surround it. These include parenting and advocating for our children, teaching them how to advocate for themselves, the experience of growing up gifted, obtaining an appropriate education, helping gifted kids with learning disabilities, and the wide range of other issues which tend to be flavored strongly by our own and our children's "difference". To this end, we provide a number of ways for community members to get together.

Virtual Spaces

GT World offers several different electronic venues where people can gather

This Web Site

This web site is home to information scavenged by parents around the world. Please check out our GT Definitions List to get yourself familiar with the educational and psychological jargon you'll need to make sense of the information here! We have also gathered a Collection of Helpful GT Links, Articles of Interest, GT Books and GT Testing Information. If you have suggestions for corrections or additions, please contact our webmaster!

GT-World Electronic Mailing Lists

GT World currently operates five mailing lists which we call GT-Families, GT-Special, GT-Spec-Home, GT-Adults and GT-Talk. These venues provide the opportunity to converse asynchronously about gifted issues. The ability to post a statement or a question at one's convenience and continue the conversation later, after others have responded, seems to be a popular option in our busy lives.
GT World Heritage

Any similarity between the philosophies expressed here and those espoused by the TAG Project is a direct reflection of GT World's heritage. We owe a debt of gratitude to Valorie King and the people of the TAGFAM mailing list, who first demonstrated the power of electronic support for the families of gifted individuals.

Internet Facilities

GT World uses the computer facilities of listserv.icors.org for its lists. This web site is maintained by VCB Consulting. We would like to thank our generous members for their support through these donated services.

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